Detox/Drug Recovery/Rehab Center “Hands in Hands” Being Run by
Desire Meli Kocarslan at
605 Paseo del Mar?
Anyone with information regarding 605 Paseo del Mar reportedly being converted into a business to charge tenants for occupancy within drug & alcohol treatment business please should E-mail [email protected] with legally permissible information. If you are considering employment by Desire Kocarslan or Selin Uzumcu at one of their facilities in Palos Verdes Estates, Torrance or Lomita, I strongly encourage you to review this website first. The City of Palos Verdes Estates Municipal Code (click here) has restrictions against R-1 zoned properties being used illegally by more than one family or as a commercial business venue. Desire Meli Kocarslan already has been issued against her a California Court injunction against illegal use of the property as an event venue (see below).
Hands in Hands National Provider Identifier 07-19-2018
Hands in Hands Therapist Job Listing 12-18-2017
Fraud & Abuse by Residential Drug Treatment Centers: click here
How some Southern California drug rehab centers exploit addiction
Part 1: Rehab loopholes, Obamacare exploit addicts (click here)
Part 2: Many recovery centers fail to deliver (click here)
Part 3: Recovery homes can make tough neighbors (click here)
The ONLY Airbnb Review You NEED:

Asli Uzumcu: The daughter of Desire Meli Kocarslan and sister of Selin Uzumcu appears to be a pathological liar. This view is based on her proven willingness to make false, unsubstantiated statements to the District Attorney/California Courts in order to bring harm to her mother’s neighborhood adversaries. In late 10/2015, after catching wind of the community joining again to compel the City to prosecute her mother Desire Kocarslan for the illegal commercial use of 605 Paseo del Mar for wedding and other events, Asli Uzumcu filed a petition in the California Superior Court making claims of needing a restraining order against the Anastassiou brothers living across the street. Claims made by Uzumcu includes that one or both of the never-married James and/or Thomas Anastassiou were staring out their window (lewdly?) at the young scantily-clad-at-times (see photo) girl. The judge, reportedly after threatening to throw mother Kocarslan out of the courtroom for coaching her daughter’s answers to the judge’s questions, saw through the charade and dismissed the petition. Then, in 06/2018, Asli Uzumcu went into high gear once again, sending an e-mail to the Deputy District Attorney replete again with false, unsubstantiated allegations of criminal activity by yet another neighbor just a few homes up from the Anastassiou residence. Again, despite a total absence of evidence connecting neighbors to alleged crimes, Asli and her sister Selin appear to hesitate nary a moment to register knowingly or recklessly false criminal allegations against neighbors who have opposed her family’s proven, repeat illegal operations at 605 Paseo del Mar.
PVE Renews Bid to Halt Illegal Rentals at 605 Paseo del Mar (Daily Breeze, 06/13/2016; click hyperlink or here)

Desire Kocarslan/Melahat Uzumcu Litigation Wall (click here)
“All those persons who allow, assist others to use, and who actually use the above property for any unpermitted use may be subject to civil and criminal penalties, pursuant to PVEMC sections 17.32.050 and 17.32.060.” (click on PVE Legal Notice below). In addition, PVEMC Section 18.42.030 (E) – Visitors, customers or deliveries shall not exceed that normally and reasonably occurring for a residence – shall lead to further prosecution of 605 Paseo del Mar renters using it as an event venue.

PVEMC §18.04.025 (the “Uzumcu Restriction”)
Prohibits Your Event!
In 2012, in direct response to the prosecution of Melahut Uzumcu for her illegal use of her residentially zoned property at 605 Paseo del Mar for events/weddings, the City of Palos Verdes Estates further defined her past rentals as illegal by passing PVEMC §18.04.025 (the “Uzumcu Restriction”), as follows:
“Any event located on property which includes a single-family dwelling, anticipating or prepared to accommodate more than twenty people, where the property owner or his or her representative advertises, requests, or charges an admission fee, rental fee, or other form of payment for the use of the property or any facilities or residence located on the property shall be prohibited. Any event held in violation of this section is declared to be a public nuisance punishable as a misdemeanor. Any person owning property found to be in violation of this section and any other person found to have paid for, rented, or otherwise occupied such property in violation of this section shall be jointly and severally liable for any and all penalties that may be imposed pursuant to PVEMC 1.16.010 and/or Chapter 8.48 PVEMC. (Ord. 700 § 2 (Exh. 1), 2012)”
605 Paseo del Mar Struck by Vandalism (click here; scroll down to Sept. 17)
“Between 6 p.m. Sept. 17 and noon Sept. 19, eggs were thrown on a resident’s vehicle in the 600 block of Paseo Del Mar, causing damage.”
Kocarslan’s Neighbor Complaint Wall (click here)
The City highlighted this restriction in its March 2014 newsletter (click here to Page 4) as follows:

Wedding Event Venue Customer Wall of Shame (click link for list of Bluff/Malaga Cove neighborhood molesters such as Natasha Cleveland of Wells Fargo/Atlanta et. al.)

Desire Meli Kocarslan’s neighbors around 605 Paseo del Mar, Palos Verdes Estates, want to live in peace and harmony alongside her. For over a decade, this simple goal has proven to be extremely difficult to accomplish. Over the years, various neighbors have engaged her in acts of friendship and neighborly kindness, only to be punished therefor. The only goal of this website is to bring peace to our neighborhood by assisting the cessation of illegal rental activity at 605 Paseo del Mar. Any and all legal, non-event venue rentals not only are unopposed by various neighbors, but in fact we find nearly any other legal tenant a highly likely improvement over Ms. Kocarslan herself. Desire Kocarslan’s neighbors wish she would adopt the “core values” of “Integrity”, “Respect” and “Love” espoused by her daughter Selin Uzumcu, Social Media Manager of the Crown Jewel Club in Los Angeles (for Selin Uzumcu LinkedIn page click here).
In September 2009, the State of California sued Melahat Uzumcu (aka Desire Meli Kocarslan) over her illegal rental of her residentially zoned property as a commercial event/wedding venue. The four count complaint cited violations of the Palos Verdes Estates Municipal Code (Case No. 9SY08502; Judge Hector M. Guzman recused himself from the case and on September 29, 2009 transferred it to Judge Sandra Thompson). The media picked up stories of the lawsuit, including NBC LA Channel 4 and flyover helicopter coverage by KTLA Channel 7 News (click here and see photo from helicopter below).

Chateau del Mar “Guest” Review (BlogSpot, 02/19/2013)
Declarations in Support of Arrest Warrants for Melahat Uzumcu were attached to the lawsuit. Indeed, her arraignment was far from Desire Kocarslan’s first time in a courtroom. In fact, standing in front of a judge has become commonplace for the former Melahat Uzumcu. as only partially chronicled on the Litigation Wall link below:
Desire Kocarslan/Melahat Uzumcu Litigation Wall (click here)
Relating to the “Illegal Wedding House, ” the State prosecuted Melahat Uzumcu (aka Desire Meli Kocarslan) for violations of the following hyperlinked sections of the PVEMC:
- § 18.04.010: Melahat Uzumcu (aka Desire Kocarslan) , in the R-1 single-family residence zone, did cause or permit the 605 Paseo del Mar to be used as an events center, a nonpermitted use.
- § 17.32.060: Melahat Uzumcu (aka Desire Kocarslan) did maintain a public nuisance by having a building or structure used In a manner contrary to the provisions of Title 17 and/or Title 18 of the Palos Verdes Municipal Code.
- § 17.04.040: Melahat Uzumcu (aka Desire Kocarslan) did cause a building or land on 605 Paseo del Mar or any portion thereof to be used not in conformity with the provisions of Title 17 and Title 18 of the Palos Verdes Municipal Code
- § 5.16.010: Melahat Uzumcu (aka Desire Kocarslan) did conduct a business within the city, to wit, a commercial events center, without first obtaining and thereafter maintaining a business license pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5.16, and paying the tax therefor.
Defendant in Palos Verdes Estates Party House Gets Third Delay (Daily Breeze, 12/15/2009)
Palos Verdes Estates Woman Who Held Weddings Fails to Appear (Daily Breeze, 01/13/2010)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Local News
Hearing continued yet again
PVE — The Oct. 22 arraignment in the trial of the People vs. Melahat Uzumcu once again has been continued so that the defendant can find an attorney. The new date set is Dec. 15 at 8:30 a.m. at the Torrance Superior Court. Uzumcu is being sued by the city of Palos Verdes Estates for illegally using her home in the 600 block of Paseo del Mar as an event venue for banquets and weddings. The original arraignment date was Sept. 29, but Judge Sandra Thompson that day granted Uzumcu a two-week continuance to find counsel. Thompson is the second judge to recuse herself from the case, though City Prosecutor Doug Haubert said he was unsure why. “I don’t think they have to say why [they recuse themselves] … It could be anything,” Haubert said. “The rules are somewhat vague and if there is the potential for an appearance of impropriety, they can just recuse themselves in order to make sure the case is not tainted in any way.”
Uzumcu told Judge Alan B. Honeycutt she had been unsuccessful in obtaining an attorney because “my name and my house are all over the media.” She requested another continuance, at which point Honeycutt suggested sometime after Jan. 1, 2010. Haubert rejected the request saying that was too long a time period and asked to have the case heard sooner. “It’s not uncommon for someone to ask for time to get an attorney, but, in my opinion, three weeks was ample time,” he said. “I was surprised she did not have an attorney and I would advise her to get an attorney — I think she should seek legal help.” Honeycutt stated that this would be the last time Uzumcu’s case would be continued. Between now and Dec. 15, she must find an attorney, settle out of court or choose to represent herself. Uzumcu asked to apply for a public defender; Honeycutt said she could apply but, “seeing as how you own your home in Palos Verdes Estates, I suspect you will not qualify for a public defender,” he said before asking her if she would still like to proceed with her application. “Since this is the first time in my life that this has happened, I would like to give it a try,” Uzumcu said.
However, court documents dating back almost 10 years show that Uzumcu has faced several other trials for a range of charges, including breach of contract, fraud, domestic violence, burglary and theft of property.
Uzumcu was not interested in speaking with the News. She is being charged with violating the city’s zoning code, conducting a business without a license and creating a public nuisance. If convicted, she faces a maximum $4,000 fine and — although unlikely, according to Haubert — up to two years of jail time.
A “for lease” sign in the past impaled into the front lawn of 605 Paseo del Mar listed Realtor Ceylan Tecimer of First Team Real Estate as the contact for booking the mansion. Through a Google search, Tecimer’s online profile had the home, referred to as the “Chateau Del Mar,” as a featured listing, boasting its seven bedrooms, nine bathrooms, his-and-hers master bathrooms, a massage room and sauna among the many amenities any lessees able to pay the necessary $40,000 deposit and $20,000-per-month

rent may enjoy. It also states that the fully furnished estate is available for short-term lease. “It may be available for short term, but I know that it’s also available for long term,” Haubert said. “If you rent to someone for residential purposes it’s not a violation of any code, but if by ‘short-term rental’ she means she’s renting to someone for a week so they can have a wedding, in our position, that’s still renting it for a commercial or non-residential purpose. We are going to enforce the letter and the spirit of the law and make sure that there are no more commercial events there.”
A cooperative and polite Tecimer once confirmed that she was leasing the home for residential purposes. Asked if she was aware of the homeowner’s involvement in the lawsuit she said, “Yes, but this has got nothing to do with [that]. Anybody can lease their home out for a residential lease.” [verb tenses adjusted] [email protected]
All of the information on this site was obtained from public sources (e.g., County and State court and other records) or provided voluntarily to sources of the site by parties mentioned herein (e.g., Natasha Cleveland or other renters of your illegal event venue). Should you have written evidence that any false statement exists on this site, you are encouraged strongly to contact the site immediately in order for such provably false statement to be removed or modified into corrected form. You are encouraged to provide, via E-mail to [email protected], a signed, notarized affidavit exclusively disputing accusations made against you or related parties. Such affidavit then may be made available on this site, allowing the public to consider “your side” of the story.
DJ Layla Loxa All Age Limits Event(ful) Ad (08/22/2009)
City Cracks Down on Weddings at Lavish LA Home (NY Times, 09/28/2009)
Sounds Like Trouble in Paradise (NBC LA, 09/28/2009)
Palos Verdes Woman Faces Jail for Renting Out Home (KeepBalling, 09/30/2009)
Owner of PVE Party Home Postpones Plea (InsideSocial/Daily Breeze, 12/29/2009)
Palos Verdes Estates woman who rented house for weddings cited in tree incident (Daily Breeze, 12/28/2010)
Palm Overboard (CurbedLA, 12/29/2010)
This web page and related posts and commentary represent both publicly available and direct witness/participant facts and personal opinions, as protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Comments made by third parties, in the Comment Section below or elsewhere, represent commentators’ own representations of facts and own opinions.
Asli Uzumcu and her sister Selin Uzumcu are up to no good yet again. Making knowingly and recklessly false statements to a California District Attorney’s office can get someone in very hot water. I actually feel bad for both young women in a way. Their criminally prosecuted mother has taught these girls some bad tricks of their trade. This Selin pictured above? Is she a linebacker for the LA Rams or instead working for Ward Howell, the washed up, has-been recruitment company?
Whoever dropped off that flash drive with the photo files, can I request another one delivered and that I can screen print the photos for delivery to enforcement?
Anyone else see Desire Kocarslan’s beat up car broken down on PV Drive North? It looked like it died and she, wearing a silly cowboy hat, had a cone in front and behind her card, blocking traffic in left lane. What a shock that something she is supposed to maintain is broken down?
In 2012 PVE passed a law limiting head count to 20 for events at a residence accepting a fee or rent (!/palosverdes18/PalosVerdes1804.html#18.04.025).
However, click here to see Meli or Desire or whatever she calls herself now telling a potential customer that for guests, on top of 12 staying overnight in the house, “30 is fine”. Thus, she is giving guidance that 42 is fine, over twice the legal limit.
What a piece of … uh … work.
Last night, the PVE Asst. City Attorney, in describing how enforcement could be implemented against the law breakers of the anti-Airbnb ordinance just recommended to the City Council by the PVEPC, stated,
“We can ask a court to issue an injunction to prevent an abuse (civil) … we had success recently in this city prosecuting an action civilly where we were able to obtain an injunction against this very type of abuse.”
At the risk of celebrating prematurely, did the City actually follow through on its commitment to prosecute Desire Kocarslan for her illegal activities? Enquiring minds want to know.
Yep folks, you certainly seem to barking up the right tree (though maybe not barking as loud as the German Shepherd Marley!)
Just ask Jimmy Anastassiou if you want confirmation. IN-JUNC-TION, Baby!
NO, it appears the City has not followed through on its commitment to prosecute Desire Korcarslan for her illegal activities. Infact, she has continued renting out her home, listings on HomeAway, Airnbnb, etc…One family rented the Chateau Del Mar this past April 2017 thru June 2017 @ $3000 per day totaling $90,000. & this past weekend rented to another couple for 2 nights @ $1700 per night.
If you could help me with the math here, I’d appreciate it. April 2017 thru June 2017 @ $3,000/day totaling $90,000 = 30 days. Did you mean 30 non-consecutive days over those 3 months? Any chance you have the names and contact information of those renters or those at 2 nights @ $1700/night? Please E-mail to [email protected]
This woman got a very bad reputation very quickly in Buenos Aires, Argentina – see this:
My favorite: “I had the unfortunate experience of meeting her in a spanish class in Buenos Aires a couple years ago. She insisted on showing everyone photos of her house in Malibu and the much smaller place she was renting in Argentina. She clearly had money, but not as much as she thought. She said that she was in South America at the time with plans to stay there, probably because she thought she would be out of her house in Malibu very quickly. “