Tag Archives: 609 Paseo del Mar Palos Verdes Estates

Illegal Garage Loft Inhumane Living Conditions



[email protected]


UPDATE 2018:  It had appeared that both Adam and Susan had found a way to escape the dire situation at 605 Paseo del Mar.  On behalf of the neighborhood, we thanked God for their new, improved situation and wished them the best of fortune this year and moving forward.  However, as we have learned more, it appears that for some reason they have maintained their fealty to Desire Kocarslan.  More real truth, vs. lies on what transpired at 605 Paseo del Mar is forthcoming.  Stay tuned.

Gun Being Aimed from Front of Garage at 605 Paseo del Mar: more information may be forthcoming regarding the identity of this gunman apparently wearing a sling.


Neighbors of 605 Paseo del Mar have witnessed over the course of 2017 a very hard working man attending to maintenance outside 605 Paseo del Mar.  Even during the 2017 Christmas holiday season when he appeared injured wearing a sling to support his shoulder/collar/arm, the worker appeared from the street to be slaving away sanding the home’s front door.  One would expect this kind of labor to be valued in the market at a minimum of $10/hour (minimum wage); assuming a minimum of 40 hours/week of work, this would amount to at least $1,600/month of labor.

We have been informed that Desire Meli Kocarslan had built illegally (w/o PVE City permit) a shabby, unsafe (fire hazard to occupant) loft above the cars in 605 Paseo del Mar’s garage.  Neighbors suspected this was the case after noticing a poorly constructed (not even close to Code), seemingly not watertight window on the roof over this garage.

605 Paseo del Mar Garage Roof Unpermitted Window: it is clear from cursory inspection this window was not cut out or installed to Code

We now have been informed that this hard working maintenance laborer, who reportedly found himself homeless around the time of becoming associated with Kocarslan, is living in inhumane conditions in this “loft” over the cars in her garage.  Reportedly, he is being compensated a mere $100/week ($400/month) and given the illegal, inhumane living conditioned loft as living space.   See photos below.

Illegal Garage Loft Entry/Exit Ladder from Garage Floor: reportedly the laborer living in the illegal loft broke his collar bone running down this ladder to Kocarslan’s demands for his presence; she reportedly insisted he keep working even after X-rays and doctors dictated otherwise
Illegal Garage Loft Sleeping Cupboard: this is the location where Kocarslan reportedly has the laborer sleep within the illegal garage loft
Illegal Garage Loft Showering Area? Towel hanging over a metal bar in what has been reported is a primitive shower device in the illegal garage loft
Illegal Garage Loft Showerhead: reportedly this is the primitive showering location used by the laborer
Illegal Garage Loft Cooking Area: on reportedly $100/week in cash compensation, one cannot afford much in the way of healthy eating

Illegal Garage Loft TV, Window & Sink: the illegal space has been outfitted with a TV and security camera monitoring as part of its residential space

City of Palos Verdes Response? As usual, Nothing.  Palos Verdes Estates municipal management’s Deputy City Manager Sheri Repp Loadsman was informed of the illegal loft in September 2017 at the time that illegal short-term rental (AirBnB) activity was reported at the same location.  As of December 2017, no action appears to have been taken to rectify this illegal garage loft.  This is despite clear, multiple violations to the City’s municipal code, building code, and California State labor (clearly being compensated well below minimum wage).

Kocarslan Neighbors Complaint Wall

[email protected]


Melahat Uzumcu is a disgrace to the PVE community.  Residents reside here to raise their children and live peaceful lives. After hearing about the launch of this website, I wasn’t at all surprised to learn of the numerous lawsuits filed against her.

It’s no wonder why she changed her name to Desire Meli Kocarslan. Although, it wasn’t long before her illegal actions surfaced. She should be ashamed of herself, stop using her home as an event venue, find a decent full time job and set a good example for her daughters.

As a resident here in PVE, I hope that the PVEPD and city are working together to shut her business down. What Melahat is doing is illegal, unethical and needs to stop now!

It’s unfair to the renters that she profits from and certainly unfair to the neighbors who have to endure the noise and disruption in the quality of their lives.

Keep the peace. Keep community.

Residential Zoning Doesn’t Stop Kocarslan from Commercial Activity:   Whether it be illegal short-term rentals or a related high flow of vehicular traffic, 605 Paseo del Mar seems more like a run-down youth hostel than elegant coastal estate

609 Paseo del Mar, Palos Verdes Estates, CA  90274 is now for sale (click here) right next door to the Kocarslan/Uzumcu residence.  Looks like we’re about to find out what the discount is for the value of a property next door to a law breaking, event venue and short-term rental AirBnB/Homeaway (click here) property.

605 Paseo del Mar Struck by Vandalism (click here; scroll down to Sept. 17)
“Between 6 p.m. Sept. 17 and noon Sept. 19, eggs were thrown on a resident’s vehicle in the 600 block of Paseo Del Mar, causing damage.”

Not only should the wedding planner (supposedly doing this job professionally) have obtained permission, but I was told in no uncertain terms on Friday afternoon by the bride herself that 605PdM/Uzumcu/Kocarslan specifically directed the wedding party to deceive PVEPD and others into believing the bride/groom were friends of Uzumcu/Kocarslan, rather than the customers of a commercial event venue enterprise as is the truth.  Again, I must emphasize, everyone on that property is “in on it.”

If a bride/groom want to have a beautiful, legal PVE wedding, there is a perfect place for it perhaps ½ mile at most right up the hill.  It is called La Venta Inn, a licensed, commercially zoned event venue at which I have attended two weddings myself.  The views are breathtaking, and the costs reasonable (though you don’t get the venue for a) 3-7, 24/hour days and b) with a mansion fronting as a boutique hotel).  It is for this reason Ms. Natasha Cleveland/Natasha Kossman and and her fiancé Michael Kossman of Atlanta, GA and Wells Fargo went with the illegal 605PdM venue – it comes at a massive discount to fair market value of a COMMERICALLY ZONED EVENT VENUE AND BOUTIQUE HOTEL.


Whether the couple are aware or not is immaterial – the wedding planner should be. 

A general contractor doing business in PVE needs to have a business license with the city.  If the contractor block roadways, brings large trucks into the city roadways without acquiring a transportation permit indemnifying the city, continues construction late into the evening, and repeatedly disrupts the neighborhood and violate local laws, I would imagine that the city building department would have some recourse against continued license renewal and/or fines. 

Someone carrying out a commercial event planning business should need a similar license – I am sure that if the Golf Club, Beach Club, La Venta or one of the restaurants acted irresponsibly and in blatant disregard to local safety, health, alcohol or zoning laws, renewal of their licenses would be brought to the attention of our city management and an appropriate recourse levied against their continued operations.  The event planner at 605 Paseo del Mar (and future event planners at that address – because I would bet that this is not the last commercial event that the owner of that property will stage) should be licensed and should be required to not only be required to adhere to local zoning laws but to comply with local health, safety, and alcohol laws.


Calls were made in to the PVEPD for noise complaints around 8:30 pm (Hazel dispatcher) and again upon coming back up to our bedroom at 1:30 a.m. (Roxanna dispatcher), both stating that our entire family was being kept awake by essentially out of control noise of people leaving the illegal wedding (screaming, loud laughing/talking, car doors slamming, alarms being deactivated).  We, normally sleeping in our own upstairs bedroom next to our young child, actually had to move her crib downstairs into a dark corner of our house, without any air ocean/cool air flow, so that she would stop being awakened by the noise.  That’s right – the cacophony coming from people leaving the illegal Natasha Cleveland/Natasha Kossman – Michael Kossman wedding party, people having no respect for the neighbors, forced us to relocate our family’s own sleeping.

Importantly, everyone should know that the wedding party is not an innocent, uninformed pair of sweet newlyweds.  I was informed that the wedding planner, a Dawn Boldon (or something like that – the bride appears to have lied about her name), clearly told the wedding party that the house had experienced zoning issues for illegal weddings in past, but that if they told the PVEPD that the wedding party was friends with 605PdM/Uzumcu everything should go OK.  Indeed, it is common sense and simply obvious that on any wedding planner’s checklist, if assessing for a wedding/reception a high-end home in a clearly residential, non-commercial neighborhood, the legality of that venue.  A one-minute Google search (finding all the 09/2009 articles in LA Times and Daily Breeze) and/or call to City Hall would return the answer, “No, this is not legal.  You should find another location.”  These people knew, and as another neighbor can attest were unapologetic for, this was an illegal use of a residence, but they did it anyway.


We are the residents most directly affected by Paseo del Mar.  It appears from recent activity last night and earlier today that the owner at 605 Paseo del Mar has rented her home for a large commercial event.  The history of 605 Paseo del Mar is well known within our city and community.  We hope to prevent the expansion of activities that our city encountered several years ago.

Over the past year, we have seen continued party rental engagements at 605 Paseo del Mar and have notified the police department on numerous occasions of such activity.  We urge that the city will take action with this weekend’s event and stop further commercial activities at the residence. 

We welcome the opportunity to discuss with all of you this ongoing commercial activity and try together to resolve this matter at 605 Paseo del Mar and possibly at other locations within the city.


My wife and I reside at [a home in very close proximity to 605 Paseo del Mar].  We are aware of the owners of 605 Paseo Del Mar using their home as a party rental venue.  Our home is [firmly in the range of that residence] and can hear and view the events.  These are commercial activities in a beautiful residential neighborhood. We ask the police department simply to enforce the law and stop any further commercial events from being held at 605 Paseo Del Mar. Thank you.


There used to be a chap at the golf club that cheated every conceivable way. All of all kept coming up with ways to insure that he didn’t cheat.

After many years, I addressed the group and aid, “Let’s face it guys, he’s just a hell of a lot smarter than us and there is no way we can stop him from cheating. Let’s just quit trying and just not include him into the betting. It worked. He played along with us, wasn’t part of the bets so we didn’t care what phony scores he turned in for his handicap.

I suspect Uzumcu fits that pattern ….


The “host” of the event was the groom, Joe Lee. He reported that he was a friend of “605’s” owner(Umzucu) and was not renting it for his “family” get together. When questioned about how he knew Umzucu, Lee refused to answer me other than they have a mutual friend.

On Friday evening, I notified the Police that there was activity at “605” and a Bobtail truck seemed to be delivering material. As reported to me last night by Sgt. Gonzalez, he visited “605” on Friday evening and spoke to Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee reported that he was a family friend and was having an event for approximately 35 people. When I asked Sgt. Gonzalez if Umzucu was present at the party he reported that Lee told him Umzucu will be back on Saturday. (FYI, Umzucu was not present at the party and in fact was contacted by PV Police and she had an unidentified friend drive by and check on what the problem was).

Saturday: Other neighbors returning home in the early evening saw the Valet parking set up at “605” and called me and then the Police …. I went to the Valet parking set-up and talked to Par 4 Valet workers. They informed me that they were expecting 75 cars and the event was schedule until midnight. I contacted PV Police and reported this information. The Police then sent Sgt. Gonzalez and Officer Garcia to investigate.

1st Police visit: Sgt. Gonzalez & Officer Garcia arrive. Officer Garcia went into the party to ascertain the number count. Apparently, the Valet service had down-sized their expected numbers with their discussion with the Police. Officer Garcia returned from inside “605” and reported an estimated guest count of 40 people. While I completed my conversation with the Police, outside of “605”, 4 “guest” arrived and a van with supplies (I did not count the van). The Police told me to call them back if the Party increased. Minutes after the Police left, 2 cars self parked and 4 cars valet parked and 10 more guest arrived. Per Officer Garcia’s count, the court order number had now been exceeded.

I contacted the Police and informed Sgt. Gonzalez that the number count had been exceeded. He informed me that he was trying to contact Umzucu and he would send out someone to confirm the information. Approximately, 30-45 minutes later and no police visit. I then proceeded to count the vehicles parked on the street. There were 36 street parked vehicles and an estimated 6 – 8 cars parked in “605’s” driveway. I called the Police again and reported the numbers. Assuming only one person per vehicle and the “guest count” had nearly exceeded the court order.

2nd Police visit: Officer Garcia and Officer Ackers(sp?) arrived. Officer Garcia went inside and then shortly came out to question me about my discussion I had earlier with the host, Mr. Lee. I informed her that Mr. Lee approached me on my driveway to ask us not to cause any problems for him. I was cordial to Mr. Lee and informed him that our(the neighbors) concerns are not with him. At this time I questioned Officer Garcia about this questioning. What Mr. Lee and I talk about seems secondary to the issue. I also asked Officer Garcia that Mr. Lee lied about his numbers to Sgt. Gonzalez Friday night so why would you believe what he says. Officer Garcia responded that she knew nothing about that. I suggested she talk to her Sgt. Officer Garcia then went back into “605” and while I and Officer Acker stood outside on Paseo del Mar. (NOTE: it was at this time that some unidentified individual drove up reportedly per Umzucu’c request, to check things out). About 20-30 minutes later, Officer Garcia came back out and informed that the party number had exceeded and that after discussion with the Supervisor(Sgt. Gonzalez), that 10 people were going to have to leave the party.


I have talked with [Police} Chief …. and he assured me the matter would be resolved, but that it may take a few days–we’ll see.


So get this – one of Desire Meli Kocarslan’s neighbors attends and speaks at the public city council hearing designated to discuss/debate the short term rental policy (Airbnb) issue in late 2015.  After it’s over, Kocarslan (aka Melahat Uzumcu) and her dirty little posse corners this neighbor at his car in parking lot, asking “What’s your problem?” as it relates to his opposition to Airbnb activities in PVE.  You can’t blame the guy for not liking it given the neighborhood’s disturbing, seven-year nightmare experience with 605 Paseo del Mar and its sociopathic owner Kocarslan.  Kocarslan reportedly then yells at the neighbor, idiotically and desperately-trying-to-play-the-victim-card calling him a “racist”.  The neighbor essentially tells her to pack sand up her back side and drives away, presenting her with a clear view of his middle finger.


This woman Desire Kocarslan must be the worst neighbor in all of the city, hands down.  It can’t be possible than any other resident in PVE cares less about the people who live around her.  As if her illegal wedding parties waking up and otherwise bothering neighbors weren’t bad enough, as of November 2015 she has a Cujo like dog that ASPCA might love to know she keeps outdoors pretty much 24/7, no matter what the weather may be.  So this mistreated, large dog barks angrily at all times of day and

Click on photo to enlarge this claim to prosperity as "Owner of Chateau del Mar" - really a run-down shanty owned by the bank via mortgage
Click on photo to enlarge this claim to prosperity as “Owner of Chateau del Mar” – really a run-down shanty owned by the bank via mortgage

night.  Since we’ve all heard Kocarslan has the run down house mortgaged to the hilt, you’d hope and think she’d just sell the place and pray there is equity leftover.  I suspect she hangs onto this place as its “owner” (though in reality bank owns it) to create the façade of wealth that seems long ago went out the window with her divorcing husband and her own unemployment.  Pray to God she doesn’t ever move next door to you!

I tried to be nice to Melahat Uzumcu (Desire Kocarslan) as her neighbor.  Though it seems obvious now that she was the root problem in her dissolved marriage, she was still a single mom raising a pair of girls, and I felt sorry for her in a way.  How was I rewarded for this?  I invited her and the kids over when we had a few summer parties; Uzumcu once threatened to sue me well after a party during which she claimed a small piece of a ceramic table had broken off and landed on her daughter’s foot (she never responded to a request for proof of injury).  Then there was the time she asked to borrow my SUV so she supposedly could deliver some clothes/items to a local charity; Uzumcu then proceeded, without my permission or prior knowledge, to drive my car into (uninsured) Mexico, only returning it in the middle of the night after she was halted at the US/Mexican border.  Need I continue?


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